Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why do we even bother?

Everybody knows about the law of diminishing returns: your first efforts to change anything usually result in substantial results; as you apply more and more effort to the problem, the results obtained per unit of effort get smaller and smaller.

Beginning in the 1960's, the United States began the legislation of stricter and harder to achieve standards for automobile emissions. We are at the point in California where we will soon limit carbon dioxide emissions.

All of this is good.

But come to find out, that according to The Guardian, fifteen of the largest container ships plying the seas emit more pollution that all the automobiles on the globe. One of the big reasons for this is that ships utilize high-sulfur bunker oil, and, for the most part of their journeys travel within 250 miles of land.

How about we stop importing junk from China via these container vessels? We can save the air and save domestic jobs at the same time.

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