Saturday, August 1, 2009

Euthanizing the Elderly, contd.

It seems that a lot of the mainstream left has jumped on this story of "euthanizing the elderly". Thought I'd point to the relevant website to get this information. It is run by Betsy McCaughey, president of a health firm, who also testified against government intrusion when the Clinton's were making their ill-fated effort to get the US into the 20th Century with respect to healthcare. Here is Betsy's website.

And here is the bill, on the idiots' website, on supposedly page 425, that lists this requirement.

On the right wing, I suppose that the premise is that you can say anything you want, but not expect any of the unwashed to actually read the document to which you refer. It is the ultimate of jingoism, to incite based upon no reason, just to pad your own pocketbooks.

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